Based on the "Charter of Corporate Conduct" and with global environment conservation as important management issues, Naigai TEC Group will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by striving to reduce our environmental impact and taking part in global environmental conservation along with environmental initiatives for biodiversity. This is conducted through business activities with respect to all components the Group deals in, including semiconductors, FPD manufacturing equipment, and general industrial machinery, as well as its four businesses related to this equipment: provision of products and information with value; contracted manufacturing; in-house development; and maintenance and servicing.
Our Sustainability Initiatives
Our Sustainability Initiatives
Our Sustainability Initiatives
Semiconductors and FPDs are installed in various products, including those in the mobile, audio-visual equipment, and data server markets. Such products play an important role in our data-driven society, which is accelerating as technologies such as IoT, AI, and 5G spread to realize a more convenient, wealthier society.
Our Group's management philosophy aims to contribute to resolving social issues and to supporting society's development through enhanced manufacturing technology/productivity and sales of environmentally friendly materials and unit components, including pneumatic equipment used in devices such as those for FPD manufacturing and semiconductor manufacturing, which is our main line of business.
We believe that we can promote sustainability by embodying our management philosophy.
In addition, we will actively promote the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), which are common goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015.
System for Promoting Sustainability
- 1. Organization
Sustainability Promotion Officer Sustainability Committee Sustainability Implementation Managers Sustainability Implementation Leaders - 2. Sustainability Committee
Description Voting on sustainability policies
Voting on materiality
Bringing bills up for Board meetings
Support for setting annual sustainability goals per department according to Board policy decisions
The PA of materiality PDCAChairperson Representative Director Committee members In-house Directors, Department Managers (General Managers/Managers), and Representative Directors of subsidiaries Executive Office General Affairs Department Schedule Generally held quarterly. Also held when deemed necessary by the Chairman. - 3. System for Promotion
- The Sustainability Promotion Officer reports to the Board of Directors on proposals and activities related to sustainability activities discussed by the Sustainability Committee.
Sustainability Implementation Managers (Division Managers) set annual sustainability goals based on priority sustainability issues (materiality) decided at the Board of Directors meeting, formulate the "ESG Action Plan," and obtain approval from the Sustainability Committee to implement promotion.
Environmental Initiatives
Environmental Philosophy

Environmental Policies
- 1.Compliance with laws and regulations
We comply with environmental laws and regulations, international treaties and agreements, along with other requirements that our company agrees to, such as hazardous substance management. - 2.Continuous improvement of environmental management systems
We grasp the risks and opportunities that our business activities pose to the environment, configure goals to be reflected within planning and countermeasures, and conduct periodic monitoring while continuing with improvement activities. - 3.Minimalization of environmental impact
We make efforts to minimalize the environmental impact of our business through activities such as reducing greenhouse gasses including CO2 to prevent climate change and taking measures toward biodiversity. - 4.Hazardous material management
We identify and appropriately manage chemicals, waste, and other substances that are hazardous to humans and the environment. - 5.Resource conservation and waste reduction/recycling
We promote work efficiency and elimination of waste and make efforts toward the cyclic use of resources through the 3Rs: by reducing the consumption of resources and the generation of waste, by reusing products, and by recycling resources. - 6.Environmental education and cooperation with society
Along with ensuring all employees of the organization are aware of and comprehend the environmental policy, we also conduct periodic training and information campaigns and publish information on our website and in other media.
Revised September 15, 2023